There is no free movement at any checkpoint with Poland. We are in constant negotiations – Ministry of Agrarian Policy


As of the morning of February 21, there is no free movement of trucks at any checkpoint on the Polish-Ukrainian border. This was reported by Taras Vysotsky, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, on the air of the United News telethon.

“Yesterday (February 20 – Ed.) all checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border were blocked. At some checkpoints, protests were announced for one day. But globally, there is still very limited traffic, and systemic basic agricultural products cannot be delivered across the Ukrainian-Polish border. Unfortunately, free movement has not been restored at any checkpoint,” Vysotsky said.

According to him, the most difficult situation remains at the Yahodyn checkpoint. At the second most important checkpoint, Krakivets-Korchova, the Poles partially promise to allow critical cargo to pass through.

According to him, the Ukrainian government is in constant negotiations with representatives of the Polish government and hopes that the situation will be resolved.

The First Deputy Minister also said that in September 2023, Ukraine decided to introduce licensing for the export of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds to five countries, including Poland (exports to these five countries are no longer possible without their approval. – Ed.). Therefore, none of these crops were exported to Poland this year, only transit, he added.

“In other words, Ukraine has already imposed these restrictions on certain types of critical products, and they really accounted for the vast majority of exports before such restrictions were introduced. And we are ready to continue this step until the end of this year. For the next harvest of these crops, we are ready to continue licensing. This is actually a restriction on exports to Poland so that there is no tension on the Polish domestic market,” explained Vysotsky.

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