The occupiers sent the first ship with stolen Ukrainian grain from Berdyansk

Source:  newsreadonline

From the port of Berdyansk, temporarily occupied by Russian troops, the invaders organized the shipment of the first ship with grain stolen in Ukraine. This was officially reported by the Russian Interfax.

“The first merchant ship left the Berdyansk seaport. 7,000 tons of grain went to friendly countries”, said Yevgeny Balytskyi, a collaborator appointed by the Russians as the so-called temporary head of the occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Military escort for the grain vessel is provided by ships and boats of the Novorossiysk base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Let us remind you that at the beginning of June, the Russian military sent the first train with grain stolen in Ukraine from the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region to Crimea.

Also, TTS wrote that in the temporarily occupied territories, Russians methodically loot property belonging to Ukraine and try to take it to Russia, including through ports. In particular, the Russian infidels, without hesitation, officially declare the export of grain and metal through the ports.

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