The number of Ukrainian edible oil exporters to the Chinese market has almost tripled


Ukraine is losing ground in the Chinese sunflower oil market. This was stated by Stepan Kapshuk, CEO of Ukroliyaprom, during the International Conference «Black Sea Grain & Oil-2023.

He noted that earlier 83 Ukrainian companies were able to supply oil to the Chinese market, but now their number has decreased to 31 companies (2.7 times).

However, according to Stepan Kapshuk, the oilseed industry is the only one that has managed to surpass its own achievements in the production and export of processed products.

Despite the financial situation, shelling and other problems, Ukraine is increasing its oilseed processing capacity. If a new plant is commissioned this year, the capacity will reach 20 million tons per year. Almost all oilseeds grown in Ukraine can be processed domestically, the expert emphasized.

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