The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has improved the harvest forecast in Ukraine

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Due to favorable weather conditions, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine has improved the harvest forecast for 2023 by about 4%. This was announced on TV by Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Solsky.

He noted that the ministry had lowered its harvest forecast for the current year by 10% compared to last year, but the weather made adjustments.

“This year’s weather is actually quite good as of today… let’s say, cautiously so. And we have already adjusted this forecast for the better: we think that there will be a 6 percent drop compared to last year. This is preliminary, because there are still a few months ahead,” the minister said.

Solsky clarified that the harvesting of rapeseed, barley and wheat has been going on for several weeks.

“There will be as much rapeseed as last year, maybe even a little more. There will be less barley, because less was planted, by 15-20 percent. And there will be less wheat because we planted less. We hope to compensate with spring crops in the fall, but let’s not speculate,” the minister said.

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