Ukraine. The level of sugar exports remains close to the maximum

Source:  ShareUaPotential

According to preliminary customs statistics, Ukrainian sugar exports in November 2023 amounted to 73 thousand tons, compared to 76 thousand tons in the previous month (which was the highest value in one calendar month in recent years), so in the first two months of the new season, exports amounted to almost 150 thousand tons.

It is worth reminding that according to the management of Astarta, one of the largest Ukrainian sugar producers and exporters, Ukraine is capable of exporting 70-100 thousand tons of sugar per month in terms of its logistics capabilities, so the current figures are close to the maximum.

In the 2022/23 season, Ukraine exported 427 thsd tonnes of sugar, and given the significant increase in sugar beet harvest in the country this year, there is a good chance that this figure will be exceeded in the new marketing year.

As of November 30, 11.3 mln tons of sugar beet were dug in Ukraine, and the expected sugar production this year is 1.7 mln tons.

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