The Latvian railway is ready to transport up to 1 million tons of Ukrainian grain annually

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Latvian Railways (LDz) is considering the possibility of participating in the transit transportation of Ukrainian grain already this autumn.

On August 15, in an interview with Latvijas Radio, the chairman of the board of the company, Rynalds Pljavnieks, stated this.

At the same time, according to his estimates, it will be possible to transport approximately 500,000 tons to 1 million tons of Ukrainian grain through Latvia in a year.

As noted by Rynalds Pljavnieks, earlier he was personally skeptical about the possibilities of transporting Ukrainian grain by rail through Latvia.

“Until the summer of this year, I was completely skeptical of this issue and believed that it was impossible on an industrial scale,” he said, explaining that such a transportation route would require two transshipments.

At the same time, the specialist noted that currently logistics technologies and transshipment capabilities have developed significantly, which makes the transshipment process much faster.

“That’s why an opportunity has appeared for the transportation of Ukrainian grain right now,” Rynalds Pljavnieks emphasized.

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