Sunseed harvest 15% below last year expected in Kazakhstan

Source:  ElDala

Farmers in Kazakhstan are starting to harvest sunflower seeds. This crop will be the most productive this season, as it is resistant to unfavorable weather conditions. Farid Abitayev, general director of the Oilseeds Experimental Farm (OEF), spoke as an expert at a Majilis session, he said.

Sunflower is a drought-resistant crop because its roots are able to penetrate deep into the soil in search of moisture. This allowed it to endure the dry summer of this year without noticeable losses. In addition, in favor of the sunflower harvest played and heavy rains in August-September, because unlike wheat, this crop develops until the very moment of harvesting. So the additional fall moisture was a plus for it.

“In general, due to the drought in East Kazakhstan Oblast this year, grain yields have fallen by half, and legumes – even more. Sunflowers have also suffered, but to a lesser extent. According to farmers’ estimates, yields are expected to drop by about 15%,” Farid Abitayev said.

These features of the crop make it in demand by farmers. In addition, sunflower cultivation has economic advantages. In particular, it has a small seeding rate, which makes the cost of seed lower than for wheat. And most importantly, higher selling price provides “seed” profitability even at low yields. At a selling price of 150 thousand tenge/ton the break-even point comes with a yield of 6 c/ha with an investment of 90 thousand tenge per hectare. The break-even point for wheat at similar investments in a hectare is a yield of not less than 10 c/ha.

“Therefore, our farmers will sow sunflower,” summarized Farid Abitaev. – This year the sunflower area has grown by 15%. Next year there will be growth again”.

It should be noted that according to the assessment of the Grain Union of Kazakhstan, sunseed harvest in Kazakhstan in the current season 2023 is expected at the level of 925 thousand tons from the sown area of 1 million 157 thousand hectares. For comparison, in 2022 was received 1 million 304 thousand tons of “seed” from an area of 1 million 90 thousand hectares.

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