Sunflower harvest in Turkey will decrease, while wheat will increase in 2023/24 MY

Source:  OleoScope

According to the second estimate of Turkstat, the gross harvest of sunflower in Turkey in the season-2023/24 may reach about 2.2 mln tonnes, which is 400 thsd tonnes lower than the previous forecast of experts. The current production of the oilseed in the country is also 14% lower than in the previous agricultural year. Besides, the production of soybeans in the region is expected to be 11% lower than the final result of 2022/23 MY – 137.5 thsd tonnes.

As for the grains, the estimates for these crops increased by 2 mln tonnes compared to the previously announced figure – up to 41.5 mln tonnes, which is also 7% higher than the previous season.

The experts adjusted the forecast for wheat most significantly: by 1.3 mln tons to 21.8 mln tons (+10% per year). Barley production increased by 0.4 mln tons to 9 mln tons (+6%).

The harvest of oats and rye in Turkey in 2023/24 MY was increased by 35 thsd tonnes and 5 thsd tonnes to 410 thsd tonnes (+12%) and 290 thsd tonnes (+6%), respectively.

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