Subsidized Polish grain will not be accepted in the world


The actions of farmers blocking the Ukrainian-Polish border have led to Poland’s significant violation of both EU and World Trade Organization (WTO) law.

This was stated on television by Taras Kachka, Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade Representative of Ukraine.

He noted that the Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis warned that it would be impossible to fulfill the demands of Polish farmers who continue to block the border with Ukraine. The European Commission sent warning letters to Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. If the situation does not improve, the EC is ready to launch an infringement procedure against these countries.

Taras Kachka also reminded that Ukraine has filed a lawsuit with the WTO.

“In the end, the requirement of constant subsidies for Polish farmers will lead to the fact that their grain in the world, and they really export a lot, will not be perceived because it will be over-subsidized. And I assume that there will be a big wave of indignation in the WTO that already subsidized farmers from Poland will receive additional subsidies… This is something that the European Union will never agree to in its life,” explained Taras Kachka.

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