Sri Lanka. Agriculture Minister requests government to allocate money to purchase paddy before spending on elections

Source:  ColomboPage

Minister of Agriculture Mahinda Amaraweera said the government and the Ministry of Finance are requested for the sake of the rice-eating people of the country to immediately provide money for the purchase of paddy from the farmers before spending on the elections.

In a media statement, the Minister also said to hold elections at any time after buying farmers’ paddy at a fair price and providing relief to consumers.

Minister Amaraweera pointing out that 800,000 hectares of paddy has been cultivated in this Maha season and 512,000 hectares of paddy has been cultivated in the last Yala season, said the President has also instructed to buy the paddy form the farmers without any issues.

“The opposition is saying to hold elections when there is a priority task like buying paddy and if the amount of 10 billion rupees that will be spent for elections is given for the purchase of paddy, the government will be able to buy paddy from the farmers at a fair price,” the Minister said.

The Minister said it is not the people who are asking for elections, but the political parties and added that the people are asking to reduce the cost of living and the government’s aim is to fulfill the people’s demand.

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