Spring wheat sowing is completed in the U.S.

Source:  Zerno On-Line

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (NASS), by May 26, spring wheat had been sown 88% of the planned area. The pace of sowing wheat is above average. At the same date last year, 79% of the plan was sown, while the average for the last five years was 81%.

Corn sowing rates, on the contrary, continue to lag behind. By May 26, 83% of the planned area had been sown with corn (89% on the same date last year and 82% on average for the last five years).

Soybeans were sown 68% (78% and 63%) of the plan.

The condition of winter wheat crops continues to deteriorate. The share of sowings in excellent and good condition decreased to 48% (49% a week earlier and 34% a year ago). The share of crops in poor and very poor condition is 19% (18% and 35%). In satisfactory condition there are 33% (33% and 31%) of crops.

According to forecasts of the US Department of Agriculture, this year the gross wheat harvest in the country will grow to 50.558 million tons, and the average yield – up to 32.9 c/ha. Last year, the United States harvested 49.314 million tons of wheat with a yield of 32.7 c/ha.

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