Soybeans in Parana 15% Harvested, Safrinha Corn 19% Planted

Farmers in Parana had harvested 15% of their soybeans as of earlier this week compared to 1% last year according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). This represents an advance of 4 points for the week. Soybean harvesting is advancing at about a normal pace in southern Brazil and if the weather cooperates, the harvest in Parana should move along quickly because the crop is approximately 40% smaller than originally anticipated.

The soybeans in Parana are 1% in vegetative development, 5% flowering, 55% filling pods, 39% mature and the soybeans are rated 31% poor, 33% average, and 36% good. Hot and dry weather during December and January significantly impacted the condition of the soybeans. Last year at this time, the soybeans were rated 76% good.

Farmers in the state are also actively harvesting their first corn crop which is now 19% harvested compared to 10% last year. This represents an advance of 5 points for the week. The first corn crop in Parana is 36% filling grain and 59% mature and the corn is rated 24% poor, 36% average, and 40% good.

Farmers are planting their safrinha corn as soon as they harvest their soybeans. The safrinha corn in Parana is 19% planted and the corn is rated 15% average and 85% good. The ideal planting window for safrinha corn closes about the third week of February. Corn planted after that date runs the risk of frost before the corn has a chance to mature.


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