Soybean processing volumes in Argentina are the lowest in the last 12 years

Source:  Oilworld

According to the industrial chamber of exporters of grains and oilseeds of Argentina (CIARA-CEC), the volume of soybean processing in the country in September is estimated at 1.9 mln tonnes, bringing the total figure in January-September of this year to 21.4 mln tonnes, which is the minimum of the last 12 years (-8.2 mln tonnes to the corresponding figure in 2022).

At the same time, the production capacity utilization in September decreased to 32% compared to 35% last month, Reuters reports.

The volume of sunflower seeds processing in Argentina in September reached 345 thsd tonnes. Thus, the total processing volume of the oilseed since the beginning of 2023 amounted to 3.2 mln tonnes, the highest in the last decade.

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