Soybean Harvest Ends in Paraguay With Average Yields

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The 2022/23 soybean harvest is ending in Paraguay with soybean yields within the initial expectations. The average soybean yield in Paraguay is in the range of 50 sacks per hectare (44.7 bu/ac) with some as high as 63 sacks per hectare (56 bu/ac).

Dry weather at the end of November and into December negatively impacted the earliest planted soybeans. These soybeans were harvested in January with yields in the range of 17 to 33 sacks per hectare (10 to 30 bu/ac).

The rainfall in Paraguay picked up starting on January 2nd and stayed beneficial for the remainder of the growing season. This allowed the later planted soybeans to recuperate before they entered the critical reproductive phase. Yields of the later planted soybeans were good enough to compensate for the lower yields of the earlier planted soybeans.

The lack of rainfall in December and the excessive rainfall in January prolonged the soybean growing season by about a month, which in turn, delayed the planting of the safrinha corn and safrinha soybean crops. The month delay in planting the safrinha crops will increase the risk from a potential early frost. Any frost before early July could negatively impact the later planted safrinha corn and safrinha soybean crops.

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