Soybean acreage in Ukraine is almost 200 thsd hа higher than last year

Source:  AgroTimes

Ukraine has completed the spring planting season of 2024. The area under soybean planting is 2.032 mln ha, which is almost 200 thsd ha more than last year (1.84 mln ha).

This is reported by AgroTimes with reference to the data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the State Statistics Service.

This year, farmers sowed the most soybeans:

  • Khmelnytsky region (215 thsd hа),
  • Sumy region (196 thsd hа),
  • Poltava region (191.6 thsd hа),
  • Vinnytsia region (168.9 thsd hа),
  • Zhytomyr region (160.5 thsd hа).

In total, 7.2 million hectares of oilseeds and almost 5.6 mln ha of grains and legumes were planted in the territory controlled by Ukraine during the spring sowing season.

As a reminder, Ukraine was expected to increase soybean planting area to 2 mln ha. And the tendency to increase soybean acreage is observed in the West of Ukraine.

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