Soy in Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana Rated 33% and 36% Good

соя сбор урожая

The last several weeks of hot and dry conditions in southern Brazil have resulted in lower soybean production estimates for all the states in southern Brazil.

In their latest assessment of the soybean crop in the state of Parana, the Department of Rural Economics (Deral) rated the soybeans as 31% poor, 33% average, and 36% good. The soybeans are 3% in vegetative development, 12% flowering, 60% filling pods, 25% mature, and 8% harvested.

Parana has endured one of the worst droughts in decades this growing season. The recent weather in the state has improved somewhat, but irreversible damage has been done to the crop. In January, Deral estimated the 2021/22 soybean production in Parana at 13.1 million tons compared to their initial estimate of 21 million tons.

The situation in the neighboring state of Mato Grosso do Sul is remarkably similar. The southern half of the state where approximately 60% of the soybeans are grown, has endured weeks of hot and dry conditions.

In the latest weekly report from the Agricultural and Livestock Federation of Mato Grosso do Sul (Famasul), the soybeans are rated as 31% poor, 36% fair, and 33% good. The percentage of the crop rated good is down 18 points from the prior week.

The soybean yield in the state is now estimated at 50.6 sacks per hectare (45.2 bu/ac) compared to last year’s yield of 62.8 sacks per hectare (56.1 bu/ac). The state’s soybean production is estimated at 11.4 million tons, down 13.8% compared to last year’s production of 13.3 million tons.

Rio Grande do Sul is the other large soybean producing state in southern Brazil and conditions in that state have been just as bad or maybe worse than in Parana. The soybean harvest has not started yet in Rio Grande do Sul, but yield losses are expected to be very severe.


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