Sowing of winter crops has started in Ukraine

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Farmers in all regions of Ukraine are actively sowing rapeseed and have started sowing winter crops. As of the beginning of September, 699.7 thou hectares of winter crops have been sown, including 654.9 thou hectares of rapeseed and 44.8 thou hectares of grain (wheat – 42.5 thou hectares, barley – 1.2 thou hectares and rye – 1.1 thou hectares).

Due to favorable weather conditions, farmers in Volyn, Poltava, Sumy and Ternopil regions have already completed rapeseed sowing. The largest rapeseed area is currently in Ternopil region – 72.5 thou hectares, followed by Vinnytsia region – 67.2 thou hectares and Kirovograd region – 59.4 thou hectares.

As a reminder, according to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the vast majority of farmers do not plan to significantly change the area under winter crops in 2024 compared to last season.

Further development of grain and oilseed market in Ukraine and globally will be discussed at the International Conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL. THE WAY TO RECOVERY on September 14 in Kyiv. Join agribusiness professionals to discuss forecasts for the new 2023/24 season, prospects for investments, processing, logistics and exports for the recovery and development of Ukrainian agricultural sector.

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