Sowing of spring crops is progressing in the US

Source:  Zerno On-Line

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service under the US Department of Agriculture (NASS USDA), by April 7, US farmers had planted 3% of the planned area with corn. The pace of corn planting is slightly higher than the five-year average.

Spring wheat was also planted at 3% of the plan, which corresponds to the average for the last five years on the same date.

Winter wheat crops remain in good condition. As of April 7, 2024, the share of winter wheat crops in excellent and good condition was 56% (56% earlier and 27% a year ago), the best figure since 2020. 32% (33% and 36%) of the crops are in satisfactory condition, and 12% (11% and 37%) are in poor and very poor condition.

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