Southern Brazilian corn crop facing frost in coming days

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Second corn crops in southern Brazil, especially in the state of Parana, are likely to face another round of inclement weather conditions with frost forecast in southern Brazil in coming days.

“Starting Saturday [July 17] night, a new mass of cold air (of polar origin) will start to act on the southern region,” Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) said.

On July 18, weather conditions will be favorable for the formation of frost throughout the midwest and southwest of Rio Grande do Sul, west of Santa Catarina, and south of Parana, INMET said.

During July 19-20, weather conditions will be favorable for the formation of moderate to strong frost in southern Brazil, extending from the south of Mato Grosso do Sul to the border between Sao Paulo and Parana, INMET said.

Following drought for much of the growing period and frost towards the end of June, corn crops in Parana and other states suffered significant yield losses.

Second corn production in Parana, the second-largest producer in Brazil, is seen down 19% year on year at 9.8 million mt in 2020-21, according to a Parana state agriculture department estimate June 21.

However, the state department has already indicated there could be a downward revision in Parana’s second corn output in 2020-21, which will be released on July 29, due to frost damages suffered late June.

“Overall, of the 2.46 million hectares to be harvested 88% are in poor or average condition. In this scenario, we should have a significant reduction in expected production,” Parana’s state agriculture department said in a recent report.

As of July 13, about 89% of the second corn crop area in Parana was in poor or average condition and only 11% of the crops were in good condition, it said.

The data from Parana’s agriculture department also showed 53% of second corn crops had not matured as of July 13.

If the corn crops are between the vegetative stage 6 (V6) and reproductive stage 1 (R1), there can be a total loss of the yield in the event of frost, while crops between R2 and R3 stages can see losses ranging 30-60 bags/hectare (1 bag = 60 kg), according to a report of Siga MS, a tool created by the Mato Grosso do Sul Soy Producers Association (Aprosoja/MS) to monitor crops.

For the corn crops in R4-R6 stages, which are more tolerant to frost damages, losses due to frost are less than 15 bags/hectare. according to Siga MS.


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