Slovakia will help Ukraine with grain exports, but not at the expense of its farmers

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Slovakia intends to support Ukraine in exporting grain to world markets, provided that it is not done at the expense of its own agricultural sector. This was stated in an interview with the TASR news agency by Slovak Minister of Agriculture Jozef Bires.

The Slovak official proposed to create “solidarity corridors” using road, rail and waterways to move grain from Ukraine to world markets.

“Slovakia wants to help Ukraine as much as possible in the field of infrastructure, so that transportation conditions are as simple as possible and grain gets to where it is needed most,” Biresh said.

It is noted that this summer Slovakia expects the largest grain harvest in the last five years, with production being 12% higher than the average for the same period.

Earlier, Polish Minister of Agriculture Robert Telus said that Poland is ready to impose a unilateral ban on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine if the EU decides not to extend the current measures.

As a reminder, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki threatened not to open the border with Ukraine for grain products after September 15. Five Central European members of the European Union – Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia – have proposed to extend the ban to the European Commission.

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