Serbia: Wheat Producers cannot be satisfied with the Yield

Source:  Sarajevo Times
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This year, wheat producers in the Republika Srpska cannot be satisfied with the yield, price, or quality – said Stojan Marinković, president of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the RS, to Fena news agency.

According to him, the autumn of last year promised that whole wheat could be satisfactory and that production could be profitable in Republika Srpska, especially considering the increase in subsidy per hectare to 500 BAM, farmers decided to sow that crop.

“Unfortunately, a difficult year, an attack of illness, rains, storms. It was not possible to get into the treatments in a timely manner, so there was a variegated yield that ranged from a totally unprofitable 2-2.5 tons per hectare, and there are rare areas where that yield reached 5-6 tons per hectare,” said Marinković .

He pointed out that this is a very bad year for wheat, so producers cannot be satisfied.

“In the end, low purchase prices were added to all that, which were significantly below the profitability threshold, especially considering these low yields. This year, wheat producers cannot be satisfied with the yield, price, or quality. But in some way we are aware that oscillations in production years are always present and that we simply have years like this,” said Marinković.

He expressed hope that next year will be better in terms of wheat production.

“However, we must always be on guard when planning wheat production, that it is a stock market commodity and that we never influence the price, bearing in mind that we are very small producers and that the price of this crop depends on the movement of the global market,” emphasized Marinković.

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