Sale of the existing agribusiness in Kherson.

Today in Ukraine there are many opportunities for investing.

Investment environment is the priority of the new power.

We offer profitable opportunities for investing in the most popular and profitable area of vegetable growing.

This business is waiting for your investment.  Selling of greenhouse facilities is in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.

Object of sales – operating business of growing vegetables.

The total land area is 12 hectares;

The total area of ​​greenhouses is 9.1 ha;

The greenhouse complex is equipped with all necessary equipment for farming.

Sales scheme:  selling of 100 percent of corporate rights of  “Kherson  Greenhouse Plant”, which balance includes some technological equipment or selling of property where the plant equipment is located, including greenhouses with a total area of 91,000 square meters, located on the plot of 12.0 hectares.

Business details  –

The sale of this object is carried out by the Arsenal group of companies.

The company’s specialists are ready to provide you with all the necessary documents and additional information, as well as answer any of your questions.

Arsenal company works in the real estate market with objects of any complexity. The company’s specialists are ready to give a free consultation on the sale / rental of commercial real estate.

+38067 616 6059; +38095 286 6059


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