Safrinha Corn in Brazil 85% Harvested, 2022/23 Corn 1.6% Planted


The safrinha corn is 85.4% harvested in Brazil compared to 69.8% last year according to AgRural. The harvest in Mato Grosso and Goias is essentially complete and the corn in Parana 69% harvested.

Mato Grosso – The safrinha corn harvest in Mato Grosso is complete and farmers are focusing their attention on their 2022/23 soybean crop which they will start planting on September 16th. Farmers in the state have been advised to not plant any corn this spring in order to minimize the potential damage from corn leafhoppers and that they should plant their safrinha corn in as tight a window as possible.

Parana – The safrinha corn in Parana was 69% harvested as of earlier last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). Deral reported that a lack of rain and a severe infestation of corn leafhoppers have resulted in disappointing corn yields. The lowest corn yields are being reported as the harvest starts to wind down.

Conab lowered the 2021/22 Brazil corn estimate 0.97 million tons to 114.69 million tons, but the August WASDE Report left the Brazil corn estimate unchanged at 116.0 million tons.

2022/23 corn planting in Brazil – The 2022/23 first corn crop in Brazil was 1.6% planted as of late last week according to AgRural. The corn in Rio Grande do Sul was 6% planted and planting was just getting started in Santa Catarina. Last year at this time, the corn planting had not started.

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