Safrinha Corn Condition in Parana Deteriorates after Frosts

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The condition of the safrinha corn crop in the state of Parana deteriorated after a series of frosts last week swept across southern Brazil. The coldest air in 20 years dropped temperatures in western Parana into the upper 20’s °F resulting in three consecutive nights of frosts. Parana is the second largest safrinha corn producing state in Brazil after Mato Grosso.

The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) now rates the corn in Parana as 42% in poor condition compared to 33% the prior week. The percentage of the crop rated good is 12% compared to 26% last week. The safrinha corn in Parana is 6% pollinating, 61% filling grain, and 33% mature. The corn is 3% harvested, which is up only 1% from last week. Deral estimates that as much as 70% of the safrinha corn in the state was in a sensitive stage of development when the frosts occurred.

Local authorities indicated that the total extent of the damages from the frosts will not be known until the corn is harvested. In addition to much lower yields, the quality of some of the grain is expected to be poor as well.

With less corn available for the livestock producers in southern Brazil, local corn prices have surged higher as end-user try to lock in available supplies. In western Parana, corn prices are in the range of R$ 95.00 per sack (approximately $8.50 per bushel).


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