SAFRAS raises Brazil’s production estimate to 155.08 mln tons of soybeans

Source:  SAFRAS & Mercado

Brazilian soybean production in 2022/23 is expected to total 155.08 mln tons, up 20.7% from the previous crop, which totaled 128.5 mln tons. The estimate was disclosed by SAFRAS & Mercado. If confirmed, it will be the biggest crop in history.

In March, when the previous report was released, the projection was 152.43 mln tons. The increase over the previous estimate is 1.74%.

SAFRAS indicates an increase of 4.1% in the area, estimated at 44.07 mln ha. In 2021/22, the planting occupied 42.34 mln ha. The survey points out that the average yield is expected to rise from 3,050 to 3,537 kg/ha.

Adjustments were made to the expected average yield of several states in the country. In the South, there was a reduction in the expected average yield of Rio Grande do Sul due to the irregular climate affecting the state since the start of the planting.

Despite this, it is important to highlight that the situation in Rio Grande do Sul this season is not as serious as the previous one, with some micro-regions expected to register good yields, which helps to offset part of the losses in the regions most affected by the drought.

In the Midwest and Southeast, most states had positive adjustments in average yield. The harvest progress has confirmed a great productive potential in the central zone of the country, surpassing initial expectations. The highlight is the state of Mato Grosso, which for the first time is expected to surpass the mark of 60 bags/ha on the state average.

In the North and Northeast regions, the adjustments in average yield were small, both positive and negative, not bringing relevant changes.

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