Russia’s intention to limit exports supported wheat prices

Yesterday wheat markets have grown with the support of the outcome of the tenders in Egypt and Turkey, forecasts increase of export of grain from France and the news about the intention of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia temporarily restrict grain exports in the second half of the season to 20 million tonnes, with a Corresponding resolution of the government of Russia needs to take in January, however, his resignation could delay the introduction of restrictions.

The Market for French wheat continued to increase for risks of disruption of export supplies due to the prolonged strike of transport workers and dockers, but also due to the increase experts FranceAgrimer forecast exports of French soft wheat in 2019/20 MG compared with the December estimate of 0.2% to 20,722 million tons, which is 20.8% higher than the figure recorded 2018/19 Mr. Adjustments made through increased exports of soft wheat to third countries, which will grow to 12.4 million tonnes, 1.6% higher than the rating of December and 28.3 per cent from the previous season.

The March futures for milling wheat on MATIF rose by €1/t to 195,25 €/t or 217,77 $/t

The March futures for the soft wheat in Chicago continued to rise and has already reached the highest since November 2018 level on the background of a gradual strengthening in world prices. Quotes support the hope for increased exports of US wheat to China after the signing of the first part of the bargain. The experts predict weekly sales at the level of 200-500 thousand t

March wheat futures in the U.S.:

0.09 $/t to 204,38 $/t on a firm spring HRS wheat in Minneapolis
1.75 $/t to 210,63 $/t for SRW soft winter-wheat in Chicago

Has Fallen in price on 0,18 $/t to 182,43 $/MT of hard winter HRW wheat in Kansas city.

After the tenders in Egypt and Turkey's black sea prices for wheat rose sharply. Russian wheat with protein 12,5% offer 228-230 $/MT FOB, while demand has increased to 225 $/t

In Ukraine, purchasing prices in the port increased up to 204-205 $/t milling wheat and up to 198-200 $/t of feed, while asking prices rose to 225-226 $/t FOB.


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