Russian State Duma deputy Zhuravlev proposes to give “eastern Ukrainian hectare” to the occupiers fighting in Ukraine

Source:  Censor.NET

Russian State Duma deputy Alexey Zhuravlev is preparing a bill that would allow Russians to obtain an “eastern Ukrainian hectare” in the occupied regions of Ukraine.

According to him, the occupiers fighting in Ukraine could apply for land plots in the so-called DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions on a priority basis. This was reported by Kommersant.

Zhuravlev noted that the new program could be launched by analogy with the allocation of “Far Eastern” and “Arctic” hectares to Russians.

“I would insist on the emergence of the ‘Eastern Ukrainian hectare’ program, which could be claimed by participants of the Russian special operation (as the war in Ukraine is called in Russia – Ed.). By the way, Russia has already expanded by more than 100 million hectares, and someone will have to cultivate this land after our victory. In the Far East and the Arctic, every citizen of the country can claim a hectare, but in the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, I propose to distribute the territories among those who directly participated in their liberation (occupation – Ed.),” he said, adding that the initiative is still under development.

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