Russia remains the largest supplier of grain to Georgia

Source:  Business Georgia

According to Levan Silagava, head of the Grain and Flour Producers Association, grain prices are currently stable on the international market. This also applies to the regional market – good grain harvest allows to maintain the current situation.

“The only challenge remains Kazakhstan, where the harvest started recently and its results may later affect the market, but even in this case there will be no significant changes,” he said.

According to Gruzstat data, for 9 months of 2023 grain imports to Georgia increased, while flour imports decreased. A total of 143,433 tons of grain was imported.

Currently, the largest supplier of grain for Georgia is Russia.

“In order to diversify grain supplies, certain measures have been taken, but based on the fact that Russia is geographically closer to all other grain producers, based on logistical factors, it is still the largest supplier. We always say that in case Russia stops supplying grain, we always have an opportunity to buy grain from other countries, besides, the country has a sufficient reserve that will allow us to hold on until we enter new markets” – said Levan Silagava.

According to him, there will be no difficulties in buying grain in other countries, but it will be more expensive than buying it in Russia.

Recall that Russia has occupied 2 regions of Georgia: Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

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