Russia plans to export stolen Ukrainian grain to China

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Russian invaders continue to plunder Ukrainian agricultural enterprises and export agricultural products abroad. Turkey and Syria remain the main countries where Russians take their loot. However, Russia plans to expand the geography of sales of stolen products. This was reported by the National Resistance Center.

It is noted that in the context of sanctions imposed on Russia for unleashing a war against Ukraine, China remains a key trade destination for Russia.

According to the NRC, automated systems of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance are being implemented at the occupier-controlled enterprises for the production, processing and storage of agricultural products (especially grain).

We are talking about the Argus, Cerberus, Mercury (veterinary control), and Vesta (phytosanitary) subsystems.

“These software tools are designed to automate the process of collecting and analyzing information on agricultural products to be exported outside the Eurasian Union member states,” the NRC says.

“The introduction of these programs will allow the Russian Federation to expand the geography of exports of looted goods, in particular to China,” they add.

“The introduction of these programs will allow the Russian Federation to expand the geography of exports of loot, in particular to China,” they add.

Ukraine managed to export 48.99 million tons of grains and legumes in the marketing year from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, amid the war.

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