Russia does not apply modern agricultural technologies in the occupied territories, which affects the world grain balance

Source:  Interfax

Russia steals Ukrainian grain from the occupied territories and does not even cultivate the fields, which affects global grain production, said acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky.

“They do not use any technologies. For example, we use satellite images to understand how much area of a particular territory has been sown: in 2023, the level of sowing was half that of 2021. The world could get more grain crops from these 20% of the temporarily occupied territories if they were cultivated by Ukraine, because there were technologies and investments there,” he said at the Black Sea Security Forum in Odesa on Sunday.

According to the acting Minister of Agrarian Policy, the occupiers only sow, harvest and sell, which affects the balance of world grain production.

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