Russia. Crop condition

Weather conditions. In July, most parts of the Northwestern district and the northern half of the Central and Volga federal districts were dominated by cold weather with frequent heavy rains.

In the coldest periods of time (July 12-14 and July 29-31), night air temperature locally dropped to 1…5°С (it was just 12…16°С in the daytime), and heat supply was insufficient for yield formation in most crops.

On most days between July 1-10 and 20-31, the Southern and North Caucasian federal districts were exposed to warm weather (up to 27…30°С in the daytime). It was hot on single days (up to 33…38°С) that helped farmers conduct fieldwork. It became much colder on July 11-20.

Moisture supply. July’s precipitation rates in most parts of the Northwestern, Central and Volga districts were roughly one and a half times higher than normal (at least 80-110 mm over the month). The Middle Volga and some areas in the Central Black Earth regions received less precipitation, with soil drought observed in part of the fields.

Rainfall occurred in the Southern and North Caucasian districts (50-90 mm over the month, locally up to 100-150 mm and more in the North Caucasian Republics, Krasnodar, Rostov regions), considerably deteriorating harvesting conditions. During 10-12 days in July, harvesting of spiked cereals was complicated by rain, high air humidity and waterlogged topsoil; these even stopped the work on some days. This rain improved moisture supply of late arable crops as well as yield formation conditions.

Crop condition. Major crops in the Northwestern and Central districts are mostly in good condition, while those in the Volga federal district are rated fair to good. Crops in Rostov, Stavropol regions and the North Caucasian Republics are locally damaged by heavy downpours and hail (broken leaves and stems of corn, fruits shaken from fruit trees). Crops in the Siberian district are rated fair to good.

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