Romanian farmers unblock one of the checkpoints on the border with Ukraine

Romanian farmers have stopped blocking truck traffic near the Vicovu de Sus checkpoint on the border with Ukraine. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

“The blocking of truck traffic in front of the Vicovou de Sousse checkpoint, opposite the Ukrainian checkpoint Krasnoilsk, has been stopped. All vehicles are allowed to pass as usual,” the statement said.

Border guards reminded that only empty trucks can cross the state border of Ukraine with Romania at the Krasnoilsk checkpoint.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Agriculture of Romania and representatives of local agricultural organizations reached an agreement that satisfies several demands of farmers who are protesting and blocking the border with Ukraine.

As you know, Romanian protesters are already blocking two more checkpoints with Ukraine – Siret-Porubne and Halmeu-Dacove. The latter was blocked on January 18.

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