Romanian farmers continue to block two checkpoints on the border with Ukraine, despite an agreement with the government

Source:  Сensor.NET
Румунія протести

Romanian farmers continue to block truck traffic near two checkpoints on the border with Ukraine – Siret and Vicovu de Sus. This was reported by Ihor Zarudnev, assistant head of the Chernivtsi border guard detachment.

“Near the Siret checkpoint, which is opposite our Porubne crossing point, the blocking of trucks has been going on for the third day in a row. However, just an hour ago, the first batch of 10 trucks was allowed to cross from the Romanian side. The trucks are still not being cleared to leave Ukraine because of the blockade,” he said.

According to him, the blocking of truck traffic did not stop at the Vicovu de Sus checkpoint, which is located opposite Krasnoilsk. As of 12:30 a.m., there were about 60 trucks in the live queue to leave Ukraine.

At the same time, more than 1,100 trucks have already registered in the electronic queue to leave Ukraine through the Porubne checkpoint.

Ukrainian border guards do not know when the blockade will end and the checkpoints will start operating as usual. However, the day before, it was reported that the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and representatives of local agricultural organizations reached an agreement that satisfies several demands of the farmers who are protesting and blocking the border with Ukraine.

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