Romanian farmers block the third checkpoint on the border with Ukraine

Source:  Сensor.NET

On January 18, Romanian farmers blocked the Halmeu-Dacove checkpoint with equipment as part of the protests. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service.

“As of this morning, January 18, the Romanian side informed that farmers blocked the movement of trucks in front of the Halmeu-Dacove international checkpoint. The blocking is carried out by large agricultural machinery,” the statement said.

It is noted that the traffic of trucks leaving Ukraine has been temporarily suspended in order to prevent blocking the passage of cars.

The timeframe for the blocking is not yet known.

Currently, about 10 trucks are waiting to leave Ukraine, and 607 vehicles are registered in the eCheck.

As you know, Romanian protesters are already blocking two checkpoints with Ukraine – Siret-Porubne and Vicovu de Sus-Krasnoilsk.

Earlier it was reported that the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and representatives of local agricultural organizations reached an agreement that satisfies several demands of farmers who are protesting and blocking the border with Ukraine.

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