Romania: recovery of rapeseed production is threatened

Author:  Olena Hesova

Article author:

Olena Hesova
Grain and Oilseed Market Analyst

According to the first estimates of winter crop area published by EuroStat, for the crop 2021/22 MY Romanian farmers expanded winter rapeseed acreage by 17% y/y, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Seeding for 2019/20 and 2020/21 was too risky due to the soil moisture deficit. Farmers waited for rains and devoted more area to winter cereals.

Seeding campaign was not easy for 2021/22 MY as well due to the prolonged summer drought. However, northern, western and south-western cropping areas received timely rains in late August-early September, allowing some area expansion for rapeseed.

Thanks to the absence of soil drought and favorable winter conditions, initial production estimate for 2022 rapeseed crop is quite high.

At the same time, there is a risk of frost damage in the North and West.

In March European agency MARS will publish their initial yield estimates, which should include the impact of February frosts and will be taken into account in our next S&D.

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