Romania: production of winter crops looks more promising

Author:  Olena Hesova

Article author:

According to the preliminary estimates, seeding area of main winter crops in Romania (wheat, barley and rapeseed) may exceed the 5-year average and reach a new record thanks to further rebound in rapeseed area.

During most of August weather was suitable for rapeseed sowing and farmers managed to expand the area.

However, rain deficit in September and mid-October limited the further seeding progress. Weather was particularly dry in southern and eastern Romania, providing suboptimal conditions for germination and emergence.

Record high world prices for rapeseed and canola as well as the high demand from EU countries become the key drivers of recovery of seeding area in Romania.

High demand for rapeseed is proved by significant increase in exports in the current 2021/22 season compared to the previous one, UkrAgroConsult reports.

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