Romania: cereal production surpasses 15 million tons, with no merit from Ministry


The cereal production has surpassed, until now, 15 million tons, wheat and barley registering record-numbers this year, of 11.4 million tons, 1.9 million tons, respectively, the Minister of Agriculture, Adrian Oros, declared for AGERPRES, adding that “the Ministry and minister have no merit for these large productions”.

“Two weeks ago, I saw the exceptional rating for 2021’s agricultural crop which was granted to Romania by this group – GEOGLAM (Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative), which basically confirms the results obtained by Romanian farmers after the autumn campaign for crops sown. There are a few lessons we can learn: The Ministry and minister have no merit for these large productions, just as they had no fault for last year’s drought. This proves that we have a huge agricultural potential, that the Romanian farmers are doing their job, that they have access to inputs, to cutting edge technology and that we need that water management strategy, including in agriculture, which we need to urgently and consistently finance it. Other than that there are “digressions,” Adrian Oros said, in a statement for AGERPRES.

He highlighted that there are three star crops that registered record-numbers this year, namely wheat and barley, in both overall productions and yield, but also rapeseed, which for the first time the average production surpasses the 3,000 kilogram / hectare threshold.

“Firstly, wheat, which reached a total production of 11.4 million tons, which is a lot. It is the largest production from 2007 and until now. Why from 2007? Because that’s when we joined the European Union, when the subsidies came, a more performing agriculture in Romania began. We started from 3 million tons of wheat in 2007 and reached 11.4 million tons, total production. There were other years with good production, in 2019 with 10.29 million tons and in 2017 with 10.03 million tons. Of course, total production relies on the surface, but what pleases us is that the average production for hectare is at its highest point – 5,349 kg / hectare, surpassing other important years, when there were also productions of 4,700 – 4,800 kilograms / hectare,” Adrian Oros explained.

Regarding the export potential in 2021, this remains high, given that the total internal consumption raises up to 4.5 million tons at most.

According to the minister of Agriculture, Romania also registers record levels for barley in 2021, the highest production since 2007, for both the total production – 1.88 million tons, but also the average one – 5,599 kg / hectare.

Last but not least, rapeseed registered the largest average production per hectare since 2007 and until now, namely 3,022 kg / ha, due to the types of plants used, application of adequate technology and favorable agro-meteorological conditions.



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