Representatives of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine called for a ban on imports of agricultural products of Russian and Belarusian origin to the EU

Россия стоп

The third meeting of the Lublin Triangle was held in Warsaw with the participation of representatives of the agrarian committees of the parliaments of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.

This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy Stepan Cherniavsky.

According to him, the chairmen of the agrarian committees of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania signed a declaration consisting of 7 points.

In particular, it bans the import of agricultural products of Russian and Belarusian origin to the EU, as well as the transit of all food from Russia and Belarus through the EU.

The document calls on the EU leadership and member states:

  • Take the initiative to ban the import of agricultural products of Russian and Belarusian origin to the EU.
  • Consider banning the transit of Russian and Belarusian agricultural products through the EU.
  • Consider restricting access of Russian producers to the world’s advanced technologies and equipment.
  • Introduce intervention systems for purchasing surplus grain on the market.
  • Limit unfair trade practices in future trade between the two countries.
  • Help Ukraine regain its position in the global market by unblocking sales channels.
  • Condemn Russia for exporting misappropriated grain produced in Ukraine.

“In my opinion, Latvia and Estonia should also be invited to join the Lublin Triangle. After all, these countries can potentially export and transit Russian agricultural products. A collective ban on the export and transit of all agricultural products from Russia and Belarus through the borders of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine should be introduced as soon as possible. Europe will definitely benefit from this, as it will significantly reduce the pressure on its domestic prices for agricultural products, which is also being formed by the influx of agricultural goods from Russia,” said Stepan Cherniavsky.

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