Reduction of corn acreage is not critical for Ukraine – Vysotsky

кукурудза стан посівів

As of May 16, farmers sowed 5.1 million hectares of grains and legumes (91% of the forecast). Most of the corn was planted – 3.5 mln ha (91%).

The forecasted corn planting area this year is 3.9 mln ha, which is about 5% less than in 2023.

During the week, 727.6 thou hectares were planted with corn. As of the reporting date, sowing was completed in Zakarpattia, Odesa and Ternopil regions.

The largest areas were planted by farmers in the following regions:

  • Poltava – 488 thou hectares;
  • Cherkasy – 354 thou hectares;
  • Chernihiv – 348 thou hectares;
  • Vinnytsia – 292 thou hectares;
  • Kirovograd – 287 thousand hectares.

According to Taras Vysotsky, Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, the decrease in corn acreage is insignificant.

“The decrease is expected to be 5-7%. This is primarily due to an increase in soybean planting areas, which is useful for crop rotation and is a profitable crop,” the official said.

Therefore, according to Taras Vysotskyi, the reduction of corn acreage is not critical. The final production of the grain will be sufficient for domestic consumption and export.

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