Record shipments to Mexico bolster April US pork exports – USMEF

Source:  The Pig Site
свинина мясо

Pork exports to Mexico reached new heights in April, climbing 34% from a year ago to a record 107,594 mt, as Mexico’s buying surged following the Easter holiday, according to data released by USDA and compiled by USMEF.

Export value soared 61% to $240.5 million – also a record. For January through April, exports to Mexico achieved double-digit growth over last year’s record pace, surging 11% in volume to 388,855 mt and 18% in value to $815.6 million.

Mexico’s domestic pork prices are strong, and poultry and pork production have been impacted by productivity challenges, limiting availability of domestic product at a time of strong demand and economic growth.

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