Rating of Safrinha Corn in Parana Declines Due to Storm Damage


The Department of Rural Economics for the state of Parana (Deral) lowered their rating of the safrinha corn crop in the state. As of earlier this week, the corn was rated 1% poor, 7% average and 92% good. This is down from the prior week when it was rated 4% average and 96% good.

Recent severe storms in the western and southwestern parts of the state were responsible for the lower ratings. In the areas hit hardest by the storms, the safrinha corn is 100% loss. Outside of the storm damage areas, the weather continues to be beneficial for corn development.

The safrinha corn in the state is 24% in vegetative development, 42% pollinating, 32% filling grain, and 2% mature. Parana is the second largest safrinha corn producing state in Brazil after Mato Grosso and responsible for approximately 17% of Brazil safrinha corn production.

Deral is estimating the production at approximately 16 million tons which is nearly three times more than the 5.7 million tons produced last year. The 2021/21 safrinha corn crop was impacted by drought and a series of early freezes which ended the growing season before the corn matured. Last year at this time, the corn was rated 27% poor, 45% average, and 28% good.

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