Rainfall helps stabilize full-season corn in Southern Brazil

corn кукуруза

The rainfall last week and over the weekend in southern Brazil was very beneficial for the later planted full-season corn. It came too late for corn that was planted in late August or early September. I think the rains helped to stabilize the full-season corn, so I left the Brazilian corn estimate unchanged this week at 104.0 million tons. The full-season corn only accounts for about one-fourth of Brazil’s corn production with the safrinha crop accounting for about three-fourths of the production.

Rio Grande do Sul full-Season Corn – The full-season corn in Rio Grande do Sul is 85% planted compared to 88% last year and 91% average according to Emater. The corn is 44% germinating or in vegetative development, 27% pollinating, 28% filling grain, and 1% mature. The rains last week came too late for the corn that was planted at the end of August and early September. The average price of corn in Rio Grande do Sul declined 1% last week to R$ 79.00 per sack (approximately $6.75 per bu) with a range in the state of R$ 60 to R$ 90 per sack (approximately $5.15 to $7.70 per bu).

Parana Full-Season Corn – The full-season corn in Parana is 100% planted according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The corn is 65% vegetative development, 26% pollinating, and 9% filling grain. The corn is rated 5% poor, 20% average, and 75% good.


Soybeans and Corn

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