Rainfall, although late, improves the condition of the harvest of late crops

Source:  GrainTrade

Weather forecasts in the main grain exporting countries of the northern hemisphere show an increase in precipitation and a decrease in high temperatures, which in turn will be favorable for the pouring of corn, soybeans and sunflowers. The delayed rainfall will not improve the yield situation in some regions affected by the early summer drought, but overall will be very favorable.

In the Midwest of the USA during the next 5-7 days there will be moderate and good precipitation, but in the western part of the region the rains will bring minimal benefit. ProFarmer crop tour data showed that corn and soybean yields in this region will be below last year’s and in places below the three-year average.

Precipitation will also increase across the Southern Plains, which will benefit winter wheat crops, especially in Texas, as well as corn and soybean fill.

Corn and soybeans in the northern plains have received quite a bit of rain over the past two weeks and more rain is expected in the region in the coming days.

The cultivated areas of the Canadian Prairies maintain a warm temperature with sufficient soil moisture, and good conditions are maintained for crops, especially wheat and canola. Harvest weather is also favorable, with little rainfall forecast for next week. At the end of August, markets are waiting for an update on the harvest forecast from Statistics Canada, which may be higher than analysts’ forecasts due to the increase in area and yield.

In European countries, precipitation has passed, which has reduced high temperatures, and next week more moderate precipitation is forecast, which will improve the condition of late crops, but is unlikely to improve the prospects of the harvest of corn and sugar beets, which have been badly affected by the drought. In addition, much more rainfall will be needed in the near future to restore water levels in the rivers. Precipitation contributes to the accumulation of moisture before sowing winter crops.

In Ukraine, after abundant prolonged rainfall, hot and dry weather has set in, which favors the sowing of winter rapeseed and the ripening of late crops. For the next 5-7 days, it is predicted that the temperature will drop and some scattered precipitation will fall, which will also be favorable for crops.

Dry and hot weather has settled in the Russian Federation, which favors the harvesting of wheat, but creates problems with the moisture reserves of late crops, especially corn.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the harvest of wheat and barley this year will be more than 30% more than a year ago, and rapeseed and sunflower by 10-15%.

In central China, moderate to heavy rains are expected to ease the drought, but some wheat and rice crops could be affected.

In Australia, favorable conditions for the cultivation of sg crops are preserved and this season the harvest is expected to be at the level of last year’s record – additional moderate and heavy rains are forecast for the next 7-10 days, especially in the eastern part.

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