Rabobank: deeply shocked by war; employees in action for Ukrainians

The terror affecting the Ukrainian people has deeply shocked the employees, customers and members of Rabobank. “To see a child fleeing Russian shells, leaving the warm memories of home for an unknown destination: it is heartbreaking. This war is a stain on our history,” says Managing Board chair Wiebe Draijer. “We see the images of refugees, we see the upheaval, and we feel powerless. Our thoughts are with the victims of this barbaric violence, their families and the Ukrainian people.”

This invasion is horrific. We hope that government leaders will find a way to end the violence and bring stability back to Europe on all fronts. It is heartening to see that countless initiatives have been launched around the world to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine. We cannot and do not want to stand back and watch. From the start, our local banks and colleagues have been actively involved in relief efforts launched in their local networks.

In this crisis, Rabobank’s position in local communities is the basis for our support for Ukrainians and Ukraine: in the Netherlands we support local initiatives with our knowledge, networks and with extra cooperative dividend.

  • To reinforce this, our employees are given the space and time to spend on these initiatives.
  • We are taking an inventory of vacant office space that can be made available for the reception of refugees.
  • We see and hear that customers in the Netherlands want to support their loved ones in Ukraine by sending them money, so we are not charging any fees for transactions to Ukraine by private individuals for the time being.
  • We will increase the cooperative dividend this year in order to be able to support local initiatives in the Netherlands.

In the coming days and weeks, we will of course continue to look at how we can provide aid in this dire humanitarian crisis.

Rabobank already had relatively few commercial interests in Russia. Only our subsidiary DLL is active there, mainly in the leasing of agricultural machinery in the agricultural sector. New activities have been discontinued by DLL. Naturally, Rabobank will implement sanctions and is ready to process additional measures as they are announced. The bank is in close consultation with the supervisory authorities and other authorities.



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