Production of pig products in Russia jumps 39% over five years

The preliminary results of the development of pig breeding in Russia and the provision of veterinary welfare in this segment were discussed recently at a meeting of the National Union of Pig Breeders in Russia.

First Deputy Dzhambulat Khatuov participated in the event on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Pig breeding is the main driver of meat production growth in Russia. Over the past 5 years, the output of the sub-sector has increased by 39% (1.5 million tons). The main growth is provided by the commercial sector, whose share last year was 88%. At the same time, in the first and second quarters of this year, the dynamics slightly decreased compared to last year’s indicator, which is due to an increase in production costs, in particular, an increase in feed costs, as well as an epizootic situation in a number of regions.

Due to state support measures, including the introduction of customs duties on the export of grain and oilseeds, the expansion of short-term lending and the prolongation of preferential investment loans, the situation in the sub-sector has now stabilized.

From January to October, the production of pigs for slaughter (in live weight) in agricultural enterprises amounted to 3.9 million tons, which is 35,000 tons more than in the same period last year. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the sector will maintain these positive dynamics, and the volume of pig production is expected to reach 5.5 million tonnes in live weight by the end of the year.

During the meeting, participants discussed issues of increasing production efficiency and realizing export potential, as well as improving logistics and selection and the breeding base.


The Pig Site

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