Pro-Russian messages are promoted at farmers’ protests in Poland

Oszukana Wieś

The association of Polish farmers Oszukana Wieś (Deceived Village), which opposes the importation of Ukrainian grain and threatened to disrupt the visit of Vladimir Zelenski to Poland, may be associated with pro-Russian forces. Michal Marek, founder of the Center for Modern Security Environment Research, reports this.

“The community “Deceived Village” is of serious interest to people associated with the Confederation of the Polish Crown, which in the south-east of our country is known for its anti-Ukrainian position,” the expert writes.

Earlier there was information that the “Deceived Village” threatens to disrupt the announced arrival of Vladimir Zelensky.

“These are quite disturbing reports, especially in the context of the activation of pro-Russian circles in Poland, which has been going on for several months (which also concerns the election campaign),” said Michal Marek.

According to him, during Zelenski’s visit, there may be an increased activity of groups lobbying for a rapprochement with the Russian message, which will devalue the image of the Ukrainian president and undermine the importance of the visit. Supporters of Russia will try to convince Poles that the support given to Ukraine is allegedly not in the interests of Poland and society.

As a reminder, the Association of Polish Farmers Oszukana Wieś (Deceived Village) agreed with the government to fulfill 11 demands, in particular the strengthening of border controls, compensation and preferential loans. However, on Monday they announced that none of the points had been fulfilled.

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