Pro-Russian forces in Europe prevent the export of Ukrainian products from friendly countries


Pro-Russian forces in Europe are preventing the export of Ukrainian products through friendly countries, said Taras Vysotskyi, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, at the EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum 2023 conference.

“We appreciate the cooperation between Romania and Ukraine. Currently, most agricultural goods transit through Romania. This way is very important for Ukrainian farmers. This transit concerns not only grain, but also processed products such as biofuels, sunflower and soybean oils,” he said.

According to Taras Vysotskyi, Ukrainian farmers also understand that Romania and other European countries are interested in ending the war in Ukraine and fully unblocking ports for the full operation of the agricultural sector.

“The protests and blockade of Ukrainian products exported through friendly countries, organized by pro-Russian forces, are still active in Romania, among other places,” the official emphasized.

EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum is a new regional platform to address the key agri market developments and deliver effective discussions and networking for all involved in the agricultural sector – from farmers, traders, input suppliers, animal and feed industry and stretching to logistics, storage, innovations, etc.

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