Polish farmers will join the blocking of the border with Ukraine at the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint

Source:  LB.ua

On Monday, December 18, Polish carriers are launching a new protest at the Yagodyn-Dorogusk border crossing point with Ukraine. They will be joined by farmers from the United Village organization.

This was reported by the leader of the protesters, Rafal Meckler, on Twitter (X).

Meckler said that starting December 18, farmers from the United Village organization would join the blockade. The blockade is scheduled to begin at 13:30 local time.

It is noted that the farmers will join the blockade “due to the tragic situation on the Polish market caused by the uncontrolled influx of grain from Ukraine, the lack of prospects for improving the situation in the 2023 harvest, as well as the lack of systemic solutions to protect the domestic market.”

The farmers demand a halt to sugar imports from Ukraine, immediate payment of direct subsidies, maintenance of the excise tax rate on fuel at the previous level, and compensation for corn producers.

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