Poland wants to introduce VAT on Ukrainian oil

Source:  AgroPortal.ua
соняшникова олія

Polish Deputy Minister of Agriculture Michal Kolodziejczak has announced that he will request a minimum 8% VAT on oil coming from Ukraine. This was reported by Polskie Radio.

“Why should it be a 0% rate, which is intended for Polish producers and Polish consumers, so that production here is profitable?” Kolodziejczak said.

Therefore, he will appeal to the Ministry of Health with a request that the sanitary and epidemiological station control each batch of sugar coming to Poland. He added that he would demand to limit the supply of sugar to the country.

“We are analyzing what is happening. The Ministry of Agriculture did not have an appropriate unit that would analyze on a regular basis how much and what kind of goods were coming to Poland. Today, we analyze it once a week, and we receive complete data, for example, how much frozen raspberries came in this year,” Kolodziejczak said.

According to him, several hundred tons of frozen raspberries have already come from Ukraine this year.

“The invoice price of frozen raspberries is 1 euro 15 cents, which is less than 5 zlotys. In Poland, it is unprofitable to grow raw vegetables for this amount. I don’t agree with this, we are building Polish production and limiting imports,” the deputy minister said.

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