Poland suspends Ukrainian grain imports

Source:  WORLD-GRAIN.com

Rising tension over cheaper Ukrainian grain flowing into Poland has led to an import suspension agreement in which Ukrainian grain will only transit through Poland to third countries “at least until July,” the Kyiv Independent reported, citing a TVP Info interview with Janusz Kowalski, Poland’s deputy minister of agriculture.

The Poland-Ukraine grain agreement is the first step in solving an agricultural crisis in the country due to a large influx of cheap Ukrainian grain in Poland, Kowalski said.

“All products must go through Poland, they cannot harm Polish farmers, Polish producers and cause a food security crisis,” he said.

Polish farmers have been protesting the significant influx of Ukrainian grain because of what they say is a threat to their domestic market.

The dispute reportedly was settled during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Poland on April 5 when he met with Polish government leaders.

Cheap Ukrainian grain has been flooding the European Union (EU) market since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine more than 14 months ago, helped by the EU waiving customs duties and import quotas to keep Ukraine’s agricultural sector running. Low-price grain prices have proven too tempting for local buyers and traders, undercutting local producers.

The Polish government has called on the European Commission to reintroduce duties on Ukrainian grain, but the European Commission extended the duty-free regime with Ukraine for another year.

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